Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Put your trust in the Lord

Hello hello all!                                             July 1st, 2019

This week was beautiful. I think my favorite part was that we did a lot of service and I really felt that we were fulfilling our responsibility with our actions as representatives of Jesus Christ. The Masias family is doing very good! We had some appointments with them this week and they all went very good! We had a lesson where the Brother who accompanied us gave a blessing of health to Sister Mary because she was sick with the flu for almost 7 days. This experience was very spiritual and it strengthened her a lot. The day after when we saw her, her face was shining and she felt much better. Unfortunately they have been having some family difficulties this week. Satan is always there when someone wants to do the right thing and follow God so we had the opportunity to help and strengthen them. We decided to have a family home evening with them. At family home evening, Brother Lucho brought the movie Legacy. It was perfect for them because they could see all the challenges and difficulties of the pioneers and that they held onto their faith, hope and PERSEVERANCE despite everything that happened to them. That helped strengthen their testimonies enough and this home evening was very very spiritual. They still testified that they know that when they are baptized they will be different in their family and they will be able to have more influence from the Spirit. That night really strengthened my testimony too. To see the great difference that this family has made is truly incredible. Maria always testifies that before we started visiting her, her character was very strong willed and she fought with the neighbors when they mocked or bothered her, but now she does not pay attention to them.  I truly know and testify that the Gospel of Jesus Christ CHANGES LIVES. We become better people when we truly choose to follow Him and allow Him to change us. We are all sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father. He LOVES and KNOWS each and every one of us. We have an inheritance as His children, we have the potential to be Kings and Queens. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has changed my life and continues to do so. This week I found a lot of happiness in the service of Jesus Christ. In small but powerful things, I could feel like a disciple of Christ. I know that when we are in the service of our fellow human beings, we are only in the service of God. I am here in the mission to serve with all my soul, mind, strength and heart. We are going to see many miracles this week and I know that because I put my trust in the Lord. I am very grateful for every moment he gives me to serve and I will serve him until my last breath of this life. He has changed my life and has made me a better and different person and I keep changing every day.

I hope that something I have shared could touch someone out there. Please share your testimony with those around you. A testimony is something that no one else can take away, but it is the thing that you can give until the day you die. I love you all so much! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love the mission. Stay strong in each day. God Lives. He is there. Sometimes you just need to make your way back to Him. 

I want to encourage you all to read chapter 8 of 1 Nephi and analyse Lehi's dream for your own life. There are 3 distinct types of people. Whom are you?

Have a great week! Prayers and love from Salaverry!

-Hermana Roe

Today we climbed the sand mountain of Salaverry at 6 in the morning! Here are some pics! 

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