Thursday, October 17, 2019

Last post!!!

Here is Alyssa's last post before coming home! Yay!!

Here´s a video of a parrot!! These are some new people getting to know the gospel!! They are sooo awesome!! We met them this week and put the goal to be baptized on the 23 of November!! Wooohoo!!

We went to La Gramita for my last pday de Zona! It´s super pretty! 

Teaching how to pray

HOLA!!!                                                                                      September 30th, 2019

This week we had an appointment with the family, Valdez Oriolo. They were our backup plan if our other appointments fell. First, we were a little sad because our appointments fell through, especially because we planned to give one of them a date to be baptized. But when we had the appointment with the Valdez family, we realized the hand of the Lord was in everything that happened so we could meet this family. That day we went out with 2 sisters to meet one of the sisters we were going to visit. We went and met the father, Wilfredo, of the Valdez family. (We used to teach his eldest son, Kevin, and this time we were able to meet his parents). He allowed us to enter and we met him and his daughter Dana, who we met before too. The first thing that came out of his mouth was, "I just want you to know that we in this house are Catholics and the four of us are baptized." It was perfect because we were able to explain our goal as missionaries of inviting people to come to Christ by teaching their gospel. Then, the mother, Eva, and Kevin arrived and we were able to teach them about the Book of Mormon and the coming of Jesus Christ to the Americas. The spirit was very strong and they participated and shared their feelings. We also invited one of the sisters to share how the Book of Mormon has helped her in her life and she was able to testify of the Book of Mormon and share that she was also a Catholic before knowing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This lesson was very good but I think the biggest thing that affected me was when we explained how to pray. As missionaries, we are constantly
teaching how to pray and helping people have a deeper relationship with their Heavenly Father, but this day, the dad, Wilfredo, was astonished. He said that in all his life, he never knew that anyone could pray. He only thought that a person with authority could pray. He told us that he has allowed many people to come to share their beliefs, Adventists, witnesses, etc. and that they were always the people who prayed for him and his family. We invited him to say a prayer at the end of the lesson, and he did very well. Then he had a smile and a different countenance. I love that we invite and help people to have experiences like this to be able get closer to their loving Heavenly Father.

Beach in Casma #elpuerto! #part of our district

#mylife is spanglish XD i love when the people talk in english here haha

He was very tasty!!! Hahaha

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

New area! I am now in Casma

Family home evening laminitas con rayitos
We went running with the yw to the Mirador to see Casma
Some families and adventures here with my comp. 
Hermana Marchant here in Casma!

September 23rd, 2018

Sunset in Salaverry and new comp!

My new companion! 

Sunset in Salavery! 

Septemper 23rd, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019

Masias family

August 5th, 2019

Buenas buenas!!

This week Juan Masias, father of the Masias family, was baptized! It has really been a great blessing to see this family grow in the gospel. His son, Enrique Masias, was able to baptize him!! At his baptism, Juan had a smile the whole time and said that he felt the Spirit abundantly and was very happy. Hearing that, filled me with joy and peace for being part of bringing a soul to Jesus Christ and His true church. Now, we are focusing on his last daughter, Cinthia and her boyfriend José. They are living together, they have their little son José (5) and now Cinthia is pregnant. We have talked to them about marriage and they have told us that they want to eventually. So, we've got that right now!!

Just pics!

July 29th, 2019

Hola everyone! Here are some pictures from this week! Sorry there isn't a letter.

We went sandboarding it is an experience... hahaha

Interchange with Hermana Contreras! She is a doll!

Look! I found CrossFit!! Woohoo yeah I just got really pumped when I saw this sign haha I miss it so much! 

Hermana Gerí came to visit the mission! She is awesome!

The Book of Mormon is powerful!

Hola!!!                       July 15th, 2019

This week we had 58 contacts which is a little low, but we were able to find very good people and we had 4 new ones that are really making a lot of progress! This week we also had the baptism of Brother Enrique Masias! He was very happy and ready to make this covenant with the Lord. The best thing about the Masias family baptisms is that their Pope came to both services and confirmations. I know it was a great support for them to see their Pope there although he has told us that he did not feel ready to make the same decision. Also, speaking of Enrique's baptism, he asked us if he seemed a little different at his baptism and we said yes. Then he told us that it was because he felt that he already lived that moment, as if it was part of his life, that he had to go through. It was very nice to hear that and to know that the Lord really loves us and each one of his children has his own time to accept him in their lives and follow his path.

This week was really very very spiritual and it really strengthened and increased my testimony of the Savior. This week I had the opportunity to help some people, an investigator and a member. We talked to our investigator when we meet him on the street. He is Venezuelan and is going through many difficulties in his life right now with family and work, etc. and was having a hard time sleeping at night. We talked to him and really testified of the Book of Mormon. I shared some scriptures with him and I had the opportunity to promise him, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that if he will read it or just place it under his pillow, he will sleep well. At that moment I felt the spirit so strong that I could really promise him with all certainty that it would happen for him. The next day, we met on the street and he seemed like a different person. He had a smile on his face and he told us that he could do it and could sleep well which was good for his work. At that time I wanted to cry because I knew that the Lord helped him according to his faith that he put in the Book of Mormon and the power it contains. I know that the Lord listens to us and is aware of our needs. Second, I had the opportunity to help a member. She was feeling very bad and sad about some problems between her family members and her. She didn't know what to do and felt that she couldn't do anything else and that she was nothing important. When I started listening to her, I had no idea what I could help her, but I waited and listened to her and the spirit. Again I felt the Spirit very strong and a writing came to my mind and I shared it and then I felt so strong that I needed to invite her to read his Patriarchal Blessing. The Lord promises, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that if she will read it she would find something different that she needs to know that will help her. The next day, she called us and thanked me and said she read it and found something new that helped her feel better and have more hope and be happier. In both moments, I know that it was not me speaking or promising, but the spirit. I know that as a representative of Jesus Christ in these moments of my mission I have been set apart and given the power to promise blessings of action. I know that the Lord, Jesus Christ, knows us personally and our needs. I know he lives. He heals us. He listens to us. I know that as your servant at this time, I can have the opportunity to be His hands here in His work if I am worthy and obedient with exactitude. I have really been able to see the blessings of that.

I know this letter is long, but this week was miraculous. I have to share it :-) So ... Yesterday we had an appointment with the Masias family and we had the opportunity to share with Enrique, Luisa, Guadalupe, and Juan (papa). We shared about the Book of Mormon and the power it has in our lives, and we also focused on when Jesus Christ said, "Come, follow me." We testified that if they will read it as a family, they will be able to know Jesus Christ as the people that met him when He came to the Americas. Also that they are going to meet Him and get even closer to him through The Book Of Mormon. At the end of the lesson, Juan spoke and opened up. (We only had 2 lessons with him present, but he didn't participate much, but he listened). He told us that every time we came and shared and sang, he never left, but he was there in his room listening. He said he felt bad about God but he said he repented and apologized for that. He told us later that he is determined that he wants to be baptized as well! At that moment I felt the Spirit so strong and I really know that each of us has our time. He also talked about his speech he gave in the church and that moved him a lot. We were able to put a date of July 27 so that he can enter into that agreement with his Heavenly Father. I know there is a reason for all things and that the Lord has a wonderful plan for each of his children. He testified that the Book of Mormon has power even when it is only touched. I know that book is true and changes lives, I've seen it, I've felt it, and I've lived it. I am extremely blessed by the great opportunity to act as a hand of the Lord at this time and help your children to know him.
Have a great week !!!

-Hermana Roe

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Maria, Luisa, and Guadalupe got baptized!!!

We had baptisms! Here are some pictures! I love you all so much! Thanks for the continued love and support!

Put your trust in the Lord

Hello hello all!                                             July 1st, 2019

This week was beautiful. I think my favorite part was that we did a lot of service and I really felt that we were fulfilling our responsibility with our actions as representatives of Jesus Christ. The Masias family is doing very good! We had some appointments with them this week and they all went very good! We had a lesson where the Brother who accompanied us gave a blessing of health to Sister Mary because she was sick with the flu for almost 7 days. This experience was very spiritual and it strengthened her a lot. The day after when we saw her, her face was shining and she felt much better. Unfortunately they have been having some family difficulties this week. Satan is always there when someone wants to do the right thing and follow God so we had the opportunity to help and strengthen them. We decided to have a family home evening with them. At family home evening, Brother Lucho brought the movie Legacy. It was perfect for them because they could see all the challenges and difficulties of the pioneers and that they held onto their faith, hope and PERSEVERANCE despite everything that happened to them. That helped strengthen their testimonies enough and this home evening was very very spiritual. They still testified that they know that when they are baptized they will be different in their family and they will be able to have more influence from the Spirit. That night really strengthened my testimony too. To see the great difference that this family has made is truly incredible. Maria always testifies that before we started visiting her, her character was very strong willed and she fought with the neighbors when they mocked or bothered her, but now she does not pay attention to them.  I truly know and testify that the Gospel of Jesus Christ CHANGES LIVES. We become better people when we truly choose to follow Him and allow Him to change us. We are all sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father. He LOVES and KNOWS each and every one of us. We have an inheritance as His children, we have the potential to be Kings and Queens. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has changed my life and continues to do so. This week I found a lot of happiness in the service of Jesus Christ. In small but powerful things, I could feel like a disciple of Christ. I know that when we are in the service of our fellow human beings, we are only in the service of God. I am here in the mission to serve with all my soul, mind, strength and heart. We are going to see many miracles this week and I know that because I put my trust in the Lord. I am very grateful for every moment he gives me to serve and I will serve him until my last breath of this life. He has changed my life and has made me a better and different person and I keep changing every day.

I hope that something I have shared could touch someone out there. Please share your testimony with those around you. A testimony is something that no one else can take away, but it is the thing that you can give until the day you die. I love you all so much! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love the mission. Stay strong in each day. God Lives. He is there. Sometimes you just need to make your way back to Him. 

I want to encourage you all to read chapter 8 of 1 Nephi and analyse Lehi's dream for your own life. There are 3 distinct types of people. Whom are you?

Have a great week! Prayers and love from Salaverry!

-Hermana Roe

Today we climbed the sand mountain of Salaverry at 6 in the morning! Here are some pics! 

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Recent converts

We had a family home evening and knelt to pray and they said that I am as tall as them when I am on my knees!  So we had to take a pic! Hahaha they are recent converts!

We also made lasagna! It was so yummy!

What is the Lord's will?


Here are some pics from this week! This week was great our peeps are progressing with there baptism dates and their testimonies are growing woohoo!
We have the family Masias and we taught them the law of Chastity this week. It was so awesome because their oldest had read the pamphlet and had scriptures ready.. like he literally led the lesson it was great! 

So this week I read in Mosiah 15:7 it says,
Yea, even so he shall be led, acrucified, and slain, the bflesh becoming subject even unto death, the cwill of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father. 
I love the end of this scripture because it says that the will of the son was swallowed up in the will of the Father. When Jesus Christ followed the will of the Lord and gave his life, His will BECAME the will of the Father. This made me think... is my will the will of the Lord? What can I do to make my will the Lord´s will? What habits should I change or get rid of to be able to follow with what the Lord wants? 
We taught a couple lesson this week about focusing our lives in the Savior and not in the world. I have found that sometimes as people, we get all caught up in the world that we forget where we should be putting our focus, in HIM. in the Scripture 3 Nephi 13: 31-33 it says, 
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But aseek ye first the bkingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
HE knows YOU. HE knows your NEEDS. If we can only put our faith and trust in him, SEEK HIM FIRST, He will bless us with all that we need. 

We are like nothing but sand or dust but if we put ourselves in His hands, we will allow that He can form us into the person that He sees our potential to become. I love the story of the oyster. A pearl is formed when a grain of sand (us) slips in between the mantle and the shell of an oyster (God), eventually with enough layers, patience and dedication, a beautiful pearl forms. WE CAN BECOME PEARLS! We can rise above the dust that we are and become kings and queens in the kingdom of God! Put your trust in Him who knows all things. Him who is waiting on the other side of the door with the blessings that HE KNOWS you are in need of. Just need let Him in and call on His name and He will be there ready to guide you, to comfort you, to love you, to be the friend that you need, there in every moment.
I truly love you all and hope that this letter has helped you to grow in a way spiritually. Have a great week!