Monday, December 24, 2018

On my birthday I ate Guinea Pig!

Hola everyone!

Huaraz is great! it isn't raining as much anymore.. the weather here is nice.. it's kind of sunny and hot in the mornings and then it cools down in the night and afternoons... and even colder when it rains.

Here are some pics: 

living cuys (guinea pigs) and dead ones.... I ate cuy for my birthday... it is official... I ate your pet... the big one is named Christian Dominguez and he is a year old, and the other is a baby. They are from the cuy farm that my bishop and his fam have.  The other pic is of the bishop and his family! 

I am so humbled


Wow this week I have been soooo humbled. Seriously. We now have an investigator that is blind, an investigator that can barely walk due to an accident to his foot that he is unable to pay to fix, and many other people who have houses that are only one room, or houses that I as a little kid would've played house in. But each and every one of these people had smiles on their faces and were willing to help other people in need. Wow. I am really having my eyes opened as Christ's eyes to see the love that he has for all of his children no matter what!
This work is truly incredible and I am sooo thankful for this oportunity that I have to be here and to help light this part of the world!
Thank you soo much to the class of Hermana Heins and your letters! I love them sooo much!! Keep lighting the world and look for opportunities to develop Christlike attributes! Love you all!
Hermana Roe

Monday, December 3, 2018

Trust in the Lord


I hope you all are enjoying this Christmas season and lighting the world! If you haven't gotten the chance, watch the light the world videos on! Each week is different! Send me photos of you lighting the world! I want to see all of you guys out there! Also, the Christmas devotional was just amazing!! I love this season! 

In my personal studies this week I have been studying a lot about putting trust in the Lord! Mosiah 23: 21-29 The Lord chastens us because he knows our potential. He tries our patience and faith in this life to help us to grow and learn and reach our potential. If you put your trust in the Lord he will guide you and lift you up. When you put your trust in the Lord, there is no more reason to fear. When you put your faith and trust in the Lord, he will help you to overcome ANY fear. His power defeats fear (the power of Satan). These are just my thoughts from some studies! 
I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!
our christmas tree on the wall
y others :)

Hermana Roe

Monday, November 26, 2018

Loving the new area!

November 26th, 2018

Alyssa didn't have time to write an "everyone" letter this week so I copied a bit from the email she sent me:

I love the new area! I am hiking everyday! So I am pretty sure that I will gain muscle and lose weight! It is colder here and doesn't smell like fish! Woohoo! The first thing I smelt when we stepped off the bus was pine trees!  They don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but my pensionista gave us turkey without knowing it haha ( I did not think it was turkey.. it didn't look like turkey at all, but yeah..) and then she heard that it was dia de gracias for me and she went and bought us mini apple pies and they were really good! I am SUPER thankful that I was prompted to buy rain boots and bring an umbrella before my mission!!! It rains everyday here! It's like God was telling me that I would be transferred to Huaraz and that I was going to need them! Yeah I will still get packages! They are sent to the mission office and then sent to our areas! I am going to Trujillo tomorrow for council of leaders because I am still a hermana leader! I loveyou so much!! Have a great week!!!

Then she sent these 2 pics :)

My new compaƱera Hermana Rocha
and my daughter with our matching mochilas!

Changes! I am being transferred to Huaraz!

November 19th, 2018



 We received changes and I was called to serve in Huaraz! Huaraz is in the mountains and it's cold! Haha I think the Lord really knows me and that I would really suffer in the heat here! Hahahaha Huaraz is also known as its own world.. it's far away from everything and I need to take a bus to Trujillo and then another bus to Huaraz that takes something like 8 hours.... ayayay... in the night too... so that will be an adventure! But I am really excited because everyone who has been to Huaraz has really pretty pictures and I hear it is sooo beautiful! Look it up!! So yeah I will be in Huaraz con Hermana Rocha and we are both going to be the Hermana leaders because presidente is opening up a new area of sisters in Huaraz! We are going to have 6 hermanas! Woohoo woman power!! I am so excited for a change, but also really sad to leave such incredible people that I have met here! .... speaking of.... DAIANA got baptized!! Wooohoooo!! She is the sister of Daniela, one of my other converts!! 
Have a GREAT WEEK!!!!

We found chosen ones!

November 12th, 2018

Buenas Tardes todos!

I hope your week was great!! I had a great week! We found great new people to teach that really are chosen ones! Alsoooo this Saturday Daiana is going to be baptized! She is the sister of my convert Daniela! She is 19 and is awesome!! I am soo excited for her!

This week we found the chosen! A brother called Estefano was one of our contacts. We contacted a park where he was sitting listening to music. We started to contact him and 5 of his friends started to come and he still heard us and said that we should still visit him. We went to his house and we taught The Plan of Salvation. The Spirit was very strong and by the end of the lesson we invited him to be baptized with a date of December 22! He said yes, he wants to improve and change his life! A few days later, we met his mom and she also wanted to listen. Then we were talking to her and she told us about Estefano and how she wants him to change and improve his life with good friends and God in his life. She told us that he told her about us and told of his desire to change. Also that he put his prayer card and Jesus Christ in his mirror and is saying his prayers every night! Wow, how amazing is that? We can help people change and improve their lives, especially when we find the chosen ones who are ready to do it!
-Hermana Juanita one of my fav peeps
 district ZION
-Hermana Nielson (intercambio)
-I showed Hermana Chichipe oreos y peanutbutter! She loved it!
-Pday de Zona! Y helado con el distrito!
-Hermana Esther! Another amazing woman of the Miraflores ward!

Just Pics!!

November 5th, 2018

This is as close as she got to Halloween in Peru!

 Her district :) She is the only American!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

When you help someone come unto Christ your joy is full!!

Helllllooo! I hope you all had a fabulous week! I did!

So this week we taught a lot of new people which I am really excited about! But I would have to say that my favorite part about this week was Sunday! We had 5 inactive members attend church! A family of 4 and an inactive member of more than 40 years of inactivity! I cannot explain how full my heart felt! It is really true that when you help someone come unto Christ or renew their testimony of Him and find Him again in their lives.. your joy is sooooo full! I understand that scripture now! As missionaries our work is to help others come unto Christ and that includes everyone! Not just investigators! I love this work soo much and I know that my Savior lives and loves each and everyone of us! He is always there waiting for us! Don't let Him down! 

I got my GIGANTIC package! thank you soooooo much!! I love you all! Thank you for all of the support that each and everyone of you has given me! Really the people that I am helping come unto Christ thank you too! Have an amazing Week! 

Hermana Roe