Sunday, June 30, 2019

Recent converts

We had a family home evening and knelt to pray and they said that I am as tall as them when I am on my knees!  So we had to take a pic! Hahaha they are recent converts!

We also made lasagna! It was so yummy!

What is the Lord's will?


Here are some pics from this week! This week was great our peeps are progressing with there baptism dates and their testimonies are growing woohoo!
We have the family Masias and we taught them the law of Chastity this week. It was so awesome because their oldest had read the pamphlet and had scriptures ready.. like he literally led the lesson it was great! 

So this week I read in Mosiah 15:7 it says,
Yea, even so he shall be led, acrucified, and slain, the bflesh becoming subject even unto death, the cwill of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father. 
I love the end of this scripture because it says that the will of the son was swallowed up in the will of the Father. When Jesus Christ followed the will of the Lord and gave his life, His will BECAME the will of the Father. This made me think... is my will the will of the Lord? What can I do to make my will the Lord´s will? What habits should I change or get rid of to be able to follow with what the Lord wants? 
We taught a couple lesson this week about focusing our lives in the Savior and not in the world. I have found that sometimes as people, we get all caught up in the world that we forget where we should be putting our focus, in HIM. in the Scripture 3 Nephi 13: 31-33 it says, 
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But aseek ye first the bkingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
HE knows YOU. HE knows your NEEDS. If we can only put our faith and trust in him, SEEK HIM FIRST, He will bless us with all that we need. 

We are like nothing but sand or dust but if we put ourselves in His hands, we will allow that He can form us into the person that He sees our potential to become. I love the story of the oyster. A pearl is formed when a grain of sand (us) slips in between the mantle and the shell of an oyster (God), eventually with enough layers, patience and dedication, a beautiful pearl forms. WE CAN BECOME PEARLS! We can rise above the dust that we are and become kings and queens in the kingdom of God! Put your trust in Him who knows all things. Him who is waiting on the other side of the door with the blessings that HE KNOWS you are in need of. Just need let Him in and call on His name and He will be there ready to guide you, to comfort you, to love you, to be the friend that you need, there in every moment.
I truly love you all and hope that this letter has helped you to grow in a way spiritually. Have a great week!

just pics!

My compi Hermana Chacon!

Hermana Wright!

Hermana Nelson!

When we made Arepas with my compi!

Hermana Abad!

We went to the optica to change the lens of my comp with mama G and we found Groot!

My district! Hawicharococlasen!

I went to Viru for interchanges and had to take a pic of their cemetary in the montain! crazyyyy

Companions are the best!

Hola world!!

This week was beautiful! We had some great experiences because we have found that as a companionship we are very connected and united. We had an appointment in which my mind was blank and for some reason  I did not feel like talking. When I spoke I felt that I was just talking to fill in the silence and I did not feel of the spirit. So, in this meeting we talked about faith and my companion said that she had a video of faith that she wanted to share. She looked for it and ended up choosing one. The video that she chose was a video that has always touched my heart and I really love it. After the video, I felt the spirit so strong and I could testify. After the lesson, I apologized to my companion Sister Chacón because I felt that I did not do very well and I told her how I felt in the lesson before the video and that this video was one of my favorites and it helped me a lot! Then, she replied and said she had never seen that video. She only felt that we had to share that video of  faith and followed the spirit to choose the right thing. I was surprised! I know that the Lord knew that I needed that video in that moment with that lesson to reactivate the spirit in me and He used my partner to help me!! I testify that when a companionship is united it can work miracles. That our companions can support one another in each necessary moment even without knowing exactly the need of the other partner because they follow the spirit and the spirit guides them. I know that we can only work in the Lord's work if we are worthy of the spirit.  When we have the spirit we will be able to reach the hearts of the children of God. I love this work and the gospel with all my heart!! ❤❤❤

We also went to the beach as a zone today and it was awesome!!
Also a shout out to the Baeten family in Wisconsin! (Ian, emma, etc..) Elder Harris is my district leader and he said he knows you from the Nauvoo pageant! He says hi! He is the one all the way on the left in the pic. with the football. 
This week I read a lot about virtue and love something that I read. It said that your mind is like a stage in a theater. In the theater of your mind, however, only one actor can be on stage at a time. If the stage is left bare, thoughts of darkness and sin often enter the stage to tempt. But these thoughts have no power if the stage of your mind is occupied by wholesome thoughts, such as a memorized hymn or verse of scripture that you can call upon in a moment of temptation. By controlling the stage of your mind, you can successfully resist persistent urges to yield to temptation and indulge in sin. You can become pure and virtuous. 
I love that analogy that they use because it is so true, when we have good thoughts in our mind or (stage) there won't be enough room for Satan to creep in. Everything starts with our thoughts. Love you all!!