Monday, June 11, 2018

1st week as a missionary out of training!

Hola Todos!

First week in the field! I am in Miraflores, Chimbote! (aka the city that smells like fish) yay!! haha #lifeisgreat
I am in a trio! My compañeras son Hermana Higginson de Idaho, y Hermana Rodriguez de Uragua! They are so great!! 

I lied when I said I was praying the most I have ever prayed when I was in the ccm. This week I have prayed more than ever! When you are new and a gringo, you get asked to pray alllll the timeeeeee! Haha

Also, my name is officially Hermana Roy.. That's how Roe sounds in Spanish haha so I finally just gave up on trying to correct people :)

I am writing from an internet cafe so that is fun! We have a panchanista and he is actually a guy haha but the food is really good! Lots of Spanish, lots of potatoes, rice, and chicken, and PAN! Also, lots of dirt, lots of dogs EVERYWERE, lots of music (in espanol mostly, but when it's in English its like 80's haha), walking, and taxis.

The people here are so amazing! And we are seeing so many miracles cada día! Don de lenguas is real! There are good and bad days of course, but yesterday was soooooo goood! At the capilla for church, people are so kind and welcoming it humbles your heart so much! Also, we had some awesome lessons with some of our investigadoras last night where I was able to actually share experiencias en my own words through the spirit! It is truly an indescribeable experience! 

I have been humbled so much being here entering people's homes where they have nothing but cement all around or dirt, and they have so little, but their hearts are so full! And there are so many people that the Lord is preparing to receive the Gospel! 

Two of our investigatoras need to get married before they can be baptized and we were able to find a mass matrimony ceremony on the 23rd that is affordable for them!! #miracles! It is so great! I know that this gospel is true and I am so thankful for this great humbling experience that I have to be able to share it with the people here!  

I hope all is well! Have a great week!! My love from Perú!
Hermana Roe

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