Sunday, June 30, 2019

What is the Lord's will?


Here are some pics from this week! This week was great our peeps are progressing with there baptism dates and their testimonies are growing woohoo!
We have the family Masias and we taught them the law of Chastity this week. It was so awesome because their oldest had read the pamphlet and had scriptures ready.. like he literally led the lesson it was great! 

So this week I read in Mosiah 15:7 it says,
Yea, even so he shall be led, acrucified, and slain, the bflesh becoming subject even unto death, the cwill of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father. 
I love the end of this scripture because it says that the will of the son was swallowed up in the will of the Father. When Jesus Christ followed the will of the Lord and gave his life, His will BECAME the will of the Father. This made me think... is my will the will of the Lord? What can I do to make my will the Lord´s will? What habits should I change or get rid of to be able to follow with what the Lord wants? 
We taught a couple lesson this week about focusing our lives in the Savior and not in the world. I have found that sometimes as people, we get all caught up in the world that we forget where we should be putting our focus, in HIM. in the Scripture 3 Nephi 13: 31-33 it says, 
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But aseek ye first the bkingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
HE knows YOU. HE knows your NEEDS. If we can only put our faith and trust in him, SEEK HIM FIRST, He will bless us with all that we need. 

We are like nothing but sand or dust but if we put ourselves in His hands, we will allow that He can form us into the person that He sees our potential to become. I love the story of the oyster. A pearl is formed when a grain of sand (us) slips in between the mantle and the shell of an oyster (God), eventually with enough layers, patience and dedication, a beautiful pearl forms. WE CAN BECOME PEARLS! We can rise above the dust that we are and become kings and queens in the kingdom of God! Put your trust in Him who knows all things. Him who is waiting on the other side of the door with the blessings that HE KNOWS you are in need of. Just need let Him in and call on His name and He will be there ready to guide you, to comfort you, to love you, to be the friend that you need, there in every moment.
I truly love you all and hope that this letter has helped you to grow in a way spiritually. Have a great week!

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