Saturday, October 27, 2018

I'm a Hermana Lider(sister leader)

October 15th, 2018

Hellllooooo alll!

So a couple updates!

- We had changes and I will be staying here in Miraflores and finish training my daughter! AND I am now an HERMANA LIDER (sister leader) too! The Lord is really trying to work on me and shape me into the leader and woman that He sees my potential to become! 

- We also now are sharing our area with elders now! It is good because we have a big area and now the elders can cover that area that we couldn't visit very often that is more dangerous! Also, one of the elders in our area is our new district leader and now I am the ONLY american in my District! So it is a new adventure again with the Lord shaping and molding me in the language and culture here in Peru!

Forgive me if there are errors.. the following paragraph I translated from Spanish:

This week we had the opportunity to establish 2 baptism dates. One for our investigator, Marli, for October 27, and the other from our investigator Mily, for November 10. They are so amazing and they are making a lot of progress in the Gospel! With Marli, we have to visit her in a park because she lives with a family she works for. We had a lesson with her in the park about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we invited her to be baptized. The spirit was so strong that we could not hear the noise that surrounded us and it was as if we were in a bubble and Marli seemed to shine with the spirit! With Mily, we taught her about the restoration and she knew everything because she was reading her Book of Mormon and read about Joseph Smith and his testimony. This was a great blessing for her and for us because she fulfilled her commitments and in doing so the Lord was able to prepare her more to receive the message of the restoration and accept a baptismal date! It is amazing to see how the spirit works in us and in our investigators! The spirit is strong here in Miraflores!  

-Also, we had a noche de hogar.. (family home evening) with a family where their kids are members but the mom and dad aren't yet and they are our investigators! They are waiting for divorce papers so that they can get married and baptized! I love this family so much!! We talked about temples and did an activity where they put the temple and getting sealed in the temple as their goal!❤

CONFERENCE: I don't have time now, but I am going to send more about conference next week, If you haven't yet, watch it! It will change you life and answer your questions! Love you all so much!!

Hermana Roe

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